Sunday, July 13, 2008

Summer Time 2008

So far this has been a great summer.  It started when our house almost burned down, then my car broke down, then it broke down again, our sprinklers broke, then I broke down.  Now we are just broke.  So we decided to solve our problems by going on vacation, where some more stuff broke. We went to California for Heidi's little sister's wedding reception.  She was married here in Salt Lake but had a second reception in Santa Cruz, where the new stud is from.  We had a great time at the beach, shopping, hanging out and going to the Mystery Spot (I'd tell you what that is but then it wouldn't be a mystery anymore). So then we spent another chunk of our vacation in the resort paradise of Fresno, with Heidi's other sister Hillori.  We went to Yosemite National Park, played golf, tennis, swam, watched movies, ate food, and went to a baseball game on the fourth of July. It was great to hang out with Bret and Hillori and their new baby, Sienna.  We are home now and getting back into the routine of work and real life, but are still enjoying our summer.  I just hope this blog doesn't break.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice blog Dave. I am trying to start a blog myself. I have no idea what I am doing. I tried googling mine, Bret and Sienna's name thinking my blog would come up on google and it came up on your blog, so I obviously am not doing the right thing.
Well, at least I can read your blog. Anyway, thanks for the kudos. Wish you guys could come back for a few days.
We miss ya!